Get your team ready! We can’t wait to get back some street hockey fun! If you have any questions at this time, please consult the FAQ page.

2025 Registration

  • Please ensure all details above are correct prior to submitting. There are no refunds available but final team player lists are not due until time of event registration (May 23, 2025) $450.00 per team + gst (Early Bird Rate until March 15, 2025) After completing this step 1 of 2 for registering your team for the Road Rage Street Hockey tournament, you'll receive a confirmation email with the following info: To complete the registration, please send an e-transfer of $472.50 ($450 registration + gst) to (step #2). In the e-transfer message, please note your team name and level you’ve registered for. NOTE: the confirmation of your e-transfer will come from your bank. If we have any issues confirming the receipt of both, we will contact you. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the Road Rage Street Hockey tournament!